Egret Rey

A bird transformed herself into human

I'm a Vtuber that normally stream on Twitch.
Always interested in collaboration.
My character png could be downloaded hereFanart: #DrawEgret
NSFW: #LustEgret
Credits Twitter A/C
Background Image: @rancchu
Twitter Profile Pic: @PureDuckMo
Twitter Banner: @Wakame090517
Logo: @amay_artist
Logo Animation: @Prayblessingtw
My Model:
Bird Form: @bulade6
Human Form: @xiaoyuansheji
Bird Pet: @MarinkiArt
Gremlin: @MarinkiArt
Chat & DC Emoji:
@bkmeow_ / @Hunifox / @Moriyuki_Me91 / @tancocoworkshop
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